Case Study

Social Sport


Social Sport was our first partner. Together we’ve helped a lot of people play in 7 years.

Social Sport started with one venue in Melbourne in 2009 and by 2013 they were running competitions at 5 venues and were growing rapidly. One significant challenge they faced was how to best cater to the individuals and small groups of 2,3,4 people that wanted to play in their competitions but didn’t have enough people to register a team.

It was right at this moment that Just Play was founded and Social Sport became Just Play’s first ever partner. Fast forward 7 years and Social Sport are running basketball, futsal, netball and footy 7s competitions from 20 Melbourne venues, with Just Play managing individual players and entering teams at all them.


By the numbers





Just Play
teams created


Games played
by Just Play teams


Sports played


Partnership Summary

Working with Just Play has allowed Social Sport to concentrate on their core business of running great social competitions. Social Sport simply direct interested individuals to Just Play and we then create and register full teams that don’t require any different management or procedures. Both Social Sport and Just Play have grown significantly since our partnership began and 7 years in we’ve now created over 500 Just Play teams, made up of 3,500+ individual players and had Just Play teams take part in over 12,000 games.


Frequently asked questions


If people want to play it then we’re interested in working together!

Our most popular sports are Basketball, Netball and the different social versions of soccer (futsal, 5-a-side, indoor soccer), but we also offer Volleyball, Cricket, Touch Football, Touch AFL and a few other options.


When an individual plays sport with Just Play we look after everything that a regular team captain that registers a team in your competitions would look after, including:

organising all the players in the team, completing the team registration, arranging uniforms, sending out the game details (and reminders) and organising fill-in players for our team when required.

We can get competitions online fast.

How quickly Just Play teams start playing depends on your season schedule and a few other factors. We can discuss a timeline during our initial call.

We work with over 150 venues across Australia.

These include private providers, local councils, state sporting organisations, universities and associations.
If you run social competitions and want to get more people playing then we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch with us!

We love talking sport and how to help you get more people playing.

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The pain point: How to create reliable teams out of interested individual players.
Read about Brisbane City Indoor Sports + Just Play


Curtin University Sport and Recreation wanted to make it easy for students to meet people and play sport.
Read about Curtin University + Just Play


City of Sydney wanted to provide a better experience to people looking for a team.
Read about City of Sydney + Just Play


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